Usually not; our collection budget could not withstand ordering and updating required textbooks for all UWM courses. Course materials can be placed on reserve by instructors. Use the "Course Reserve" menu in Search@UW to find these items.
UW System Borrowing may also be used to obtain course books, but those books are subject to be recalled if the lending library needs to put that text on reserve or get requested.
You can try to request course books through Interlibrary loan. However, it may not always be possible to borrow a textbook, as many libraries do not purchase current textbooks or have their copies on Reserve for their own students. Loan periods range from two weeks to several months with varying renewals. Renewals are at the discretion of the lending libraries and the length is determined by them. ILL books are subject to being recalled by the lending library.
You can see which books are required for classes online, via the bookstore's textbooks information. The library also provides links to several online booksellers, which may be used to search for the best price for course books.
It is the responsibility of students to acquire textbooks required for courses. You can discuss your options with your instructor. Instructors interested in adopting low-cost or no-cost course materials should visit the Open Educational Resources guide.
For more information on the library's role in the textbook marketplace, see the Statement on Textbooks in the Library Collection from the GVSU Libraries