Answered By: Heidi Anoszko Last Updated: May 08, 2024 Views: 419
Find articles beyond the Libraries’ subscriptions
While using Search@UW, turning on the “Include articles with no full text” toggle on the upper left of results pages will expand your search results to include articles that aren’t included in the Library's subscriptions. When the toggle is turned on, you will notice a larger number of items in your search results. This can help advanced researchers get a more complete view of the most current literature in their field.
Tip: Sign in to your library account to get the most complete search results (see video instructions below).
Please note: turning on the “Include articles with no text” toggle, you will encounter more content that isn’t immediately available. When you encounter content that is paywalled or only available in summary, request the article for free using Interlibrary Loan.
Request Books from Other Libraries
Requesting books from other UW System schools
When you search using Search@UW, you are searching all the books and media in the UWM Libraries collection and the collections of the other libraries across the UW System. If you see “Request this item” below an item in your search results, that means it is held by another UW school.
- Click on the title of the item you want to request to open the full catalog record.
- Sign in to your library account to display your search results. Use the link in the gold banner and follow the prompts to log in with your ePanther ID and password.
- Then select “Request from UW System” to start a request.
UW System loans take 3-5 days to arrive. You will receive an email to your UWM account when your materials are ready to pick up from the circulation desk.
If the book you want is unavailable for a UW System request, you can select the option to “Request from Non-UW Libraries.” This will link you to your Interlibrary Loan account (you may be prompted to sign in again) where you can place a Book Request.
Search for books held by Non-UW System libraries
Use the tool WorldCat to search for books outside the UW System and request the for free through Interlibrary loan.
- Start by signing in to your library account (see video instructions at the bottom of this page)
- Access WorldCat using the link in the "Search and Find" dropdown menu on the UWM Libraries homepage.
- Enter a title, search terms, or author name into the search bar to find books in WorldCat. Click on the title of the item you want to request.
- Click on the blue “View Access Options" button in the upper right of the screen
- Then select the "Request It (Illiad)" link from the pop-out panel to generate a pre-filled Interlibrary Loan request form. Review the citation details in the form for accuracy, and then click “Submit Request”
Recall Checked-out Books
If the book is owned by the UWM Libraries but is checked out, you can recall the title by clicking the Request link in the "Get It!" section of Search@UW records.
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