To find an article on a topic, you must first conduct a search in a database.
To select a begin at the UWM Libraries homepage:
- Use Search@UW, a tool for searching most articles
- Use Databases A-Z if you already know the name of a specific subject database
- Browse Databases Subject if you need to find a database that covers the subject area related to your topic.
For help searching databases, see the Finding Articles tutorial.
Searching article databases will result in a list of citations, which provides the information needed to locate articles in print journals, magazines, and newspapers. In addition to citations and abstracts, some databases also provide full-text of articles, which you can view online, print, or e-mail. Most databases only provide access to some full-text coverage which means full-text is available from select journals. Still other databases provide only citations or citations with abstracts and no full-text coverage at all.
If an article is not available online, you must follow the
link to determine if the library owns the journal in which the article is published. See getting full text for more information.
When you search for articles outside of library search tools (like databases and the library catalog, Search@UW), it can be hard to tell which articles are available through library subscriptions. To get better full-text access off campus and while using resources like Wikipedia and PubMed, add the LibKey Nomad Extension to your internet browser (the program you use to access websites).